L&R Medical

Expecting Over the Holidays: Top Tips for a Merry and Stress-Free Christmas

Amid the whirlwind of parties and social gatherings, we've compiled a list of invaluable tips to help you make the most of your Christmas while nurturing your precious bump.

Being pregnant over Christmas can be tough.  Christmas feels like it starts earlier each year. The festive time can be a hectic time full of parties and socialising.

Here are our top tips for being pregnant at Christmas!


Plan ahead

Being pregnant is often tiring, so plan ahead and spread all those Christmas jobs over the weeks ahead.  Shop online where you can avoid being hustled and bustled in busy shops and standing in long queues.  Get your favourite PJs on and shop from the comfort of your own home!

Supermarkets are starting to open their Christmas delivery slots, so get booked in.



If friends and family ask if they can help, say ‘yes’.  You may feel you should be able to do it all, but you are growing a human, and it’s good to ask for help. If people aren’t offering help, ask them for it!



Let’s look on the bright side; there will be no hangovers this Christmas!  With more and more people choosing not to drink, mocktails and non-alcohol alternatives are readily available now; you may even choose to have a go at mixing some yourself!  Here’s a suggestion to get you going


Cranberry-Mint Mojito Mocktail 


2 oz. Cranberries

1 Lime

Fresh mint leaves

1 tbsp. Simple syrup

2 oz. Cranberry juice

4 oz. Soda water



Muddle fresh mint leaves, juice of 1 lime wedge, and fresh cranberries together in a tall glass. Add in simple syrup, cranberry juice, and ice. Pour in soda water to fill the remainder of the glass and stir. Garnish with leftover mint leaves and cranberries.



Eat the food!

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without all the food, but all that rich food can cause indigestion and heartburn when you are pregnant.  So enjoy those holiday foods, but little and often and drink plenty of water.  Find out more about nutrition.

Christmas is also the time of cheese boards; they are everywhere. But cheeses like brie, camembert and blue cheeses are best avoided due to the risk of listeria unless they are served piping hot. See here for more guidance on foods to avoid in pregnancy https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/foods-to-avoid/


Pace yourself!

It’s okay to say ‘no’; you do not have to accept every invite you get.  You may feel guilty, but you have the perfect excuse, growing a baby is hard work!  Remember, this is just one Christmas of many; it is okay to lower your expectations, get your comfies on and snuggle down with a Christmas movie.


Start new traditions

So many of us have traditions that we grew up with, now can be a great time to plan what traditions you would like with your new family. Here are a few ideas:

Maybe collect a few new decorations that you can add to each year, so when your baby is all grown up, they have them to take with them.

Have a bump photoshoot, and then do a photoshoot each Christmas together as your family grows.

Write a letter to yourself in a year’s time, giving something to reflect on next year.


Be prepared

Access to your GP or midwife can be a bit more tricky over the festive period. Make sure you know how to contact them. If you are travelling, ensure you have access to your notes with you. Also, depending on how far through your pregnancy you are, consider taking your hospital bag with you just in case the baby decides to make an appearance.