L&R Medical

This is how the body changes

Physical changes during pregnancy

Growing a human being is one of the most incredible miracles of life. Your body goes through the most amazing changes during pregnancy to nurture, grow and birth your baby. Here are some of the wonderful ways your body adapts.

The cardiovascular system

From the very beginning of your pregnancy, changes occur in your cardiovascular system to improve the blood supply to best support the growth of your baby. The fluid in your body increases by around 50%. Hormonal changes allow the walls of your blood vessels to relax and widen to accommodate this. As a result, pregnant women usually have a slightly raised pulse and comparatively lower blood pressure. The boosted circulation, along with the changes in hormones, can give you a radiant glow.

Later in pregnancy, you may experience some swelling in your legs, ankles, feet and fingers.

Learn more about this and how compression can support.

The musculoskeletal system

The hormones in your body naturally support your ligaments to become softer and stretchier to accommodate your growing baby. As your baby grows, the extra weight causes a natural change in posture which increases strain on the pelvis and back. This can result in backache; special pregnancy support belts such as the Cellacare Materna Comfort can reduce stress on the back area.

Find out more about back pain during pregnancy.

Skin and Hair

Changes in hormones lead to greater production of your skin's natural oil (sebum) to keep it supple. This can result in the pores becoming blocked, resulting in spots. As your baby grows, the skin stretches and can become dry, itchy and more sensitive. If you experience extreme itching, you should seek advice from a medical professional.

The hormone changes also increase the amount of melanin (your natural skin pigment) your body produces. This includes your areola (the area around your nipple), which may darken to assist your baby in finding the breast post-birth to feed.

Skin care tips:

  • Use gentle PH-neutral cleansers and skin care products to help avoid irritation.

  • Use a high-factor sunscreen when outside.

  • Drink plenty of fluids.

The changes in hormones can make your hair stay in the growth phase of its cycle for longer, resulting in thicker-feeling hair.

Other changes in the body

As your baby grows, some of your other organs are displaced. This includes your stomach which can result in heartburn and bloating. There is less room for your lungs to expand fully. Your growing uterus pushes against your bladder making you feeling like you have to go to the toilet more often.

Our maternity range

Cellacare® Materna Support

Maternity Orthosis/Support belt • £47.99

Cellacare® Materna Support Materna Support order codes
Maternity Orthosis/Support belt

Size Order Codes
Small - - 129-901
Medium - - 129-902
Large - - 129-903
Xtra Large - - 129-904

Activa Patterned Sock

Class 1 and 2 • From £17.15

Activa Patterned Sock Patterned Sock order codes
Class 1 and 2

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small 356-9993 EGD9271 89179 357-0033 EGD9338 89183 - - -
Medium 357-0009 EGD9272 89180 357-0041 EGD9339 89184 - - -
Large 357-0017 EGD9273 89181 357-0058 EGD9340 89185 - - -
Xlarge 357-0025 EGD9274 89182 357-0066 EGD9341 89186 - - -

Activa Below Knee

Class 1 and 2 • From £17.15

Activa Below Knee Below Knee order codes
Class 1 and 2

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small 259-0420 EGD9255 88481 259-0628 EGD9231 88502 - - -
Medium 259-0446 EGD9256 88482 259-0685 EGD9232 88503 - - -
Large 259-0461 EGD9257 88483 259-0743 EGD9233 88504 - - -
Xlarge 259-0487 EGD9258 88484 259-0784 EGD9234 88505 - - -
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small 259-0438 EGD9259 88485 259-0651 EGD9235 88506 - - -
Medium 259-0453 EGD9260 88486 259-0701 EGD9236 88507 - - -
Large 259-0479 EGD9261 88487 259-0750 EGD9237 88508 - - -
Xlarge 259-0495 EGD9262 88488 259-0792 EGD9325 88509 - - -
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small 278-2373 EGD9263 88489 259-0669 EGD9326 88510 - - -
Medium 278-2381 EGD9264 88490 259-0735 EGD9327 88511 - - -
Large 278-2399 EGD9265 88491 259-0776 EGD9328 88512 - - -
Xlarge 278-2407 EGD9266 88492 259-0800 EGD9329 88513 - - -

Activa Ribbed Sock

Class 1 and 2 • From £17.15

Activa Ribbed Sock Ribbed Sock order codes
Class 1 and 2

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small 278-2415 EGD9267 88498 259-4463 EGD9330 88519 - - -
Medium 278-2423 EGD9268 88499 259-0891 EGD9331 88520 - - -
Large 278-2431 EGD9269 88500 259-0917 EGD9332 88521 - - -
Xlarge 278-2449 EGD9270 88501 259-0933 EGD9333 88522 - - -
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
Small - - - 259-4471 EGD9334 88523 - - -
Medium - - - 259-0909 EGD9335 88524 - - -
Large - - - 259-0925 EGD9336 88525 - - -
Xlarge - - - 259-0941 EGD9337 88526 - - -

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The monthly Materna Wellness newsletter supports women to have a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy by providing motivation, knowledge and guidance on aspects of health which may impact you during pregnancy and beyond. Join now for insights and exclusive offers.