The guidance and resources here have been developed to support you or your carer if you are able to manage your compression therapy and wound treatment at home.
For any questions you might have, you can reach out to us on the web chat facility (bottom right of your screen), call or email our friendly Customer Services team:
Tel: 08450 606 707 or +44 (0)1283 576800
Email: [email protected]

Red flags to look out for
This easy to follow guide will help you to keep a check on any changes to your wound or leg and when to contact your GP or nurse for their direct care.
Click here to download

Caring for your venous leg ulcer at home
Being able to self-care when you have a venous leg ulcer can increase your independence and improve your quality of life. If you have a leg ulcer you can take these steps to help it heal.
Click here to download
Taking care of your legs
This guidance is a printable leaflet giving information on leg health, venous disease and exercises.
Click here to download