L&R Medical


Rest and Relaxation in Pregnancy

The whirlwind of excitement, anticipation and anxiousness that comes with pregnancy often means that the importance of rest and relaxation is overlooked. During this month's blog, I am going to uncover the benefits and explore effective relaxation techniques.

Step into Spring: How Compression Socks Elevate Your Travel Experience

Spring has well and truly sprung! It's essential to remember the importance of self-care when travelling, especially when it comes to our feet and legs.

Everyone else is on a health kick but what about exercise now you’re pregnant?

The start of the new year often comes with plans of getting fit, but does being pregnant mean you can’t exercise? In short, no, not at all. It is safe to exercise when you are pregnant.

Embracing Motherhood: My Journey through Pelvic Girdle Pain and the Support That Saved Me

My journey into one of empowerment and support.

Expecting Over the Holidays: Top Tips for a Merry and Stress-Free Christmas

Amid the whirlwind of parties and social gatherings, we've compiled a list of invaluable tips to help you make the most of your Christmas while nurturing your precious bump.

Why you need to renew your compression regularly

Did you know that you should renew your compression every 6 months?

The L&R Compression Reminder Service

Our reminder service will give you a nudge when it’s time to renew your compression garments

Slow Cooker Sausage Casserole

For those slower autumn days

How is a leg ulcer diagnosed?

Find out more about leg health assessments and treatment options

Meet the healthcare team

Meet the team that may help you take care of your legs and support you towards healing

What happens when my leg ulcer heals?

Leg health and care is a continuous journey, even after healing

Leg elevation to reduce limb swelling

Discover the health benefits of putting your legs up

Healthy Thai Green Curry Recipe

Indulge in this delicious curry without the calories associated with the takeaway

What can I do to better manage my lymphoedema?

Part 2 of our guest blog with Physiotherapist and Lymphoedema Practitioner, Lady Lymphoedema

What is lymphoedema?

Part 1 of our guest blog with Physiotherapist and Lymphoedema Practitioner, Lady Lymphoedema

Do you suffer from tired, achy legs?

If you experience heavy and achy legs at the end of the day, you could be at risk of developing venous disease.

Angie's story

Angie was faced with the terrifying prospect of losing her leg all because of a set of common symptoms that many people often ignore

Julia's story

An operation on Julia's lower right leg left her with an open wound that wouldn't heal