L&R Medical

Fiona's Story

Fiona's story shows how a small wound can turn into something more serious, even when left for a few days.

Fiona is an 87 year old grandmother with a history of venous disease. She enjoys a very active and independent lifestyle, and loves being outdoors walking her dog Harvey.

When Fiona was gardening, she dropped a flowerpot that caught her leg, resulting in a small but very painful wound on her leg.

Fiona's Story

On day 1 of developing the small wound, Fiona was unaware of the severity of the wound and put a plaster on her leg and left it for 3 days.

Fiona's Story

On day 3, Fiona reported to her family that her leg was very sore and the wound was still extremely painful which was stopping her from sleeping.

Fiona's family suggested that she book an appointment with the Treatment Room Nurse. Upon assessment the Treatment Room Nurse gently cleaned the wound with Debrisoft Lolly lifting barriers to healing, and applied a dressing called Lomatuell Pro that provided instant pain relief, supported wound healing and helped Fiona sleep better! Fiona was prescribed extra light compression, 10mmHg Activa Liner, to further aid wound healing.

Fiona's Story

On Day 23 Fiona's wound had healed!

Fiona was discharged from her Treatment Room Nurse and was shown how to self care. This included how to apply her compression liner and how to look after her legs.

Fiona's treatment plan was based on her individual assessment.

Fiona was delighted with the speed at which her wound had healed was so happy to get back out walking with her dog Harvey as she knew that walking was good for her legs.

If you have concerns about your legs or feet, please talk to your GP or pharmacist for further advice on whether compression might be suitable for you.