L&R Medical UK Ltd Labour Standards Assurance Policy
L&R Medical UK Ltd (L&R) are a manufacturer and supplier of Medical Devices and acknowledge their commitment and respect to safeguarding the principles of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
L&R will conduct and comply with all business activities in line with the ILO principles, for local, UK and National laws, regulations, legislations, guidelines and Health and Safety legislation and aim to promote awareness and understanding.
L&R and our suppliers must follow the guidance of the following ETI Base Code.
This ETI base code will not be used to prevent L&R from exceeding in these standards:
ETI Base code 1 - Employment is Freely Chosen- No forced or compulsory labour - this will not be supported or allowed either internally or via the supply chain.
ETI Base code 2 -Freedom of Association - personnel have the freedom to join or form trade unions of their choosing and the right to bargain collectively.**
ETI Base code 3 - Working Conditions are Safe and Hygienic - these are provided - refer to the Health and Safety Policy.
ETI Base code 4 - Child Labour Shall not be Used - there are no personnel employed under the age of 18 years, with the exception of an apprentice - child labour will not be supported or allowed either internally or via the supply chain.
ETI Base code 5 - Living wages are paid - the organisation respects the living wage and ensures a wage of national legal standard.
ETI Base code 6 - Working Hours are not excessive - working hours comply with national laws.
ETI Base code 7 - No discrimination is practised - this will not be supported or allowed either internally or via the supply chain.
ETI Base code 8 - Regular employment is provided - to every extent possible work must be based on recognised employment established through national law and practice.~
ETI Base code 9 - No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed - all forms of harsh or inhumane treatment shall be prohibited.
L&R has implemented a Labour Standards Assurance Policy and will drive for continuous improvement both internally and throughout the supply chain. L&R will annually review the policy to ensure it is compliant and that is suitably appropriate and effective.
In addition to the above L&R supply a Code of Conduct to all suppliers and partners.
To achieve compliance a Senior Manager will be assigned responsibility and relevant personnel will receive training in relation to the ETI Base Code.
L&R is committed to the LSAS with leadership from top management providing the relevant resource to manage Labour Standards and plans.
We encourage suppliers, internal and external partners, and employees to comply with all ethical standards.
For and behalf of L&R Medical UK Ltd
Name: Jon Browne
Managing Director
Date: 16 Nov 2021
(A373 V1.4 16.11.21)