L&R Medical


Legs Matter: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Social distancing and isolation tips

Legs Matter share tips on how to manage social distancing and self-isolation with a leg or foot problem.

We're here for nurses on the front line

L&R want to say a big thank you to all NHS staff for their continuous commitment, strength and bravery during this time

COVID-19 Statement

An open letter from L&R UK to patients and users of our products.

Why it's good for nurses to wear compression

As a nurse your legs can sometimes feel tired and achy, and even swollen at the end of a busy day. Learn how wearing compression can help to relieve these symptoms

John's Story

Being diagnosed with a leg ulcer can be a worrying time for anyone. In this patient story, we show how early diagnosis and the ongoing use of compression therapy can help treat and manage venous disease to keep your legs happy and healthy

Top tips to support the application of compression socks, stockings and tights

If you’re new to wearing compression, it can sometimes be difficult to apply. This blog will provide you with step-by-step, hints and tips to applying compression

Top 10 benefits of compression

Wearing compression offers multiple benefits to help keep your legs and feet healthy to support everyday living

Fiona's Story

Fiona's story shows how a small wound can turn into something more serious, even when left for a few days.